Thursday, August 26, 2004

Toronto with Mom

Mom and I went to TO today. Our primary goal was to register me for some courses at Ryerson but first we went to the Turner, Whistler, Monet exhibit at the AGO. The paintings were pretty. Mom got a membership so now I can see all the art I want for free!

After the AGO we went down to Ryerson where there was an info session for people who want to register in courses (me, for example). I wanted to take a few courses in their magazine program. I decided on fact-checking and copywriting because those were the most likely to net me a job right away. I had to be interviewed by one of the profs in order to be granted the privilege of giving them my money. The woman who interviewed me (if you can call it an interview, it took 3 minutes tops) acted as if she was doing me a big favour by signing the yellow post-it which allows me into the course. It's not as if I was going to take no for an answer, lady.

After Ryerson Mom and I went to see some ballet at the Harbourfront. For those of you who think you are the only one who doesn't get ballet, here are the highlights of my thoughts during the performance:

I'm not sure I get this . . .

These guys are really getting a workout, I'm getting tired just watching them . . .

I'm sure I don't get this . . .

Those tights leave NOTHING to the imagination. I can see the appeal of this—no. No, I can't, I am SO not attracted to men in tights. Nice bums though. I wonder what Adam's doing now . . .

There should be a Wonder Woman ballet, with those satin tights she'd be a natural . . . So for Halloween I need knee high red boots, blue granny undies with white stars, and some kind of red bodice . . .

Wait, when did that guy get on stage? I wasn't paying attention. Now I'll NEVER get it . . .

Oh good, Sleeping Beauty. I know this one . . .

Wait. What part of Sleeping Beauty is this? . . .

I get it! They're supposed to be cats! When were there cats in Sleeping Beauty? . . .

Those guys can't possibly be wearing underwear.

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